Create SVG maps for Wikipedia

Show/hide hints I currently can read 3 types of counrty descriptors:
  • Contry name (case sensitive): Poland, Cote d'Ivoire
  • Contry code (3 letters): POL or pol, CIV or civ
  • Country code (2 letters): PL or pl, CI or ci
You can use 'manual' mode to give countries color of choice, any CSS color would work.
  • Hex colors: #67a or #fafb11
  • Named colors: red, black
  • RGB colors: rgb(255,0,0)
You can manipulate colormap range by adding row with no country name and some value. For example: ['',0] would stretch color map to include zero.
Country Value
France 3.2
es 2.5
POL 2.5
Example caption wiki-style display